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Lazy Sequence in Clojure



A lazy sequence is a sequence that is not realized (or computed) until it is needed. This can be useful for handling potentially infinite sequences or for avoiding unnecessary computation when dealing with large sequences. You benefit by avoiding computations until they are absolutely needed and on demand.

Lazy sequences are available directly in many functional programming languages like Haskell (LazyEvaluation),Swift (LazySequence) and via libraries in other languages like Rust (lazy_seq), Go (seq). We will look into lazy-seq available in clojure.core.

To create a lazy sequence, in Clojure you can use the lazy-seq function. Here's an example of how to create a lazy sequence of integers:

  (defn number-sequence
    ([] (number-sequence 1))
     (cons n
            (map inc (number-sequence n))))))

    (take 5 (number-sequence)) ;; (1 2 3 4 5)
    (take 5 (number-sequence 10)) ;; (10 12 13 14)

In the above example, number-sequence is defined as a function that returns a lazy sequence of integers starting at n. The lazy-seq function creates the lazy sequence, and the cons function is used to add the first element (1) to the sequence. The map function is used to generate the remaining elements of the sequence by adding 1 to each element of the previous sequence.

When we call (number-sequence), we get back a lazy sequence object. When we call take to get the first 5 elements of the sequence, Clojure will realize (or compute) only the first 5 elements of the sequence, rather than computing the entire sequence up front. This can be useful for avoiding unnecessary computation when dealing with large or potentially infinite sequences.

Before going to more detailed explanations, here are two more examples of how to use lazy-seq in Clojure:

Example 1: Generating an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers

  (def fib-seq
    (cons 1
          (lazy-seq (cons 1 (map + fib-seq (rest fib-seq))))))

  (take 10 fib-seq)

In this example, fib-seq is defined as a lazy sequence of Fibonacci numbers. The cons function is used to add the first two elements (1 and 1) to the sequence. The map function is used to generate the remaining elements of the sequence by adding each element to its predecessor. Because fib-seq is defined recursively in terms of itself, it creates an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers.

When we call (take 10 fib-seq), Clojure will realize only the first 10 elements of the sequence. Because the sequence is defined lazily, we can generate an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers without running into issues with stack overflow or memory usage.

Here is another way to create infinite fibonacci sequence in Clojure using lazy-seq

  (defn fib
     (fib 1 1))
    ([n m]
     (cons n (lazy-seq (fib m (+ n m))))))

  (take 10 (fib))

Example 2: Implementing the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm

  (defn sieve [s]
      (let [p (first s)]
        (cons p
              (sieve (filter #(not= 0 (mod % p)) (rest s)))))))

  (def primes
    (cons 2 (sieve (iterate #(+ 2 %) 3))))

  (take 20 primes)

In this example, sieve is defined as a function that implements the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, which generates a sequence of prime numbers. The lazy-seq function is used to create the sequence of prime numbers. The let expression is used to bind the first element of the input sequence s to the variable p. The cons function is used to add p to the output sequence. The filter function is used to remove all elements from s that are divisible by p. The resulting sequence is passed recursively to sieve.

When we call (take 20 (sieve (iterate inc 2))), we get back a lazy sequence of the first 20 prime numbers. Because the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm can be used to generate an infinite sequence of prime numbers, we can use lazy-seq to generate prime numbers on-the-fly as we need them, without having to compute the entire sequence up front.

How does lazy-seq work internally?

Let us get deeper in it.

When you call (lazy-seq <body>), Clojure returns a lazy sequence object that wraps the body of the function. The body of the function is wrapped in a function object that can be called later to compute the next element of the sequence.

When you later call a sequence function like first, rest, map , or filter on the lazy sequence object, Clojure will call the function object generated by lazy-seq to compute the next element of the sequence. This will cause the body of the lazy-seq function to be executed, if it has not already been executed, and one or more elements of the sequence to be realized.

Once an element of the sequence has been realized, it is cached, so that subsequent calls to sequence functions like first, rest, map, or filter can return the same value without recomputing it. This caching feature is important and can be useful for avoiding unnecessary computation when dealing with large or potentially infinite sequences.

One important thing to note is that lazy sequences are realized incrementally, one element at a time. This means that if you call a sequence function that requires the entire sequence to be realized, like count or reduce, then Clojure will need to realize the entire sequence before it can return a value. This can cause performance issues or out-of-memory errors if you try to realize an infinite or very large sequence in this way. Clojure also has some optimisations that will compute 32 items of lazy-seq at once.

Alternatives to lazy-seq in Clojure

You don't need to use lazy-seq directly to work with lazy sequences in Clojure. There are alternatives to lazy-seq in Clojure, each with its own advantages and limitations. Here are some of the most commonly used alternatives:

  1. iterate: iterate is a built-in function that returns a lazy sequence of values generated by applying a function to an initial value repeatedly. For example, (iterate inc 0) generates an infinite sequence of natural numbers.
  2. repeatedly: repeatedly is a built-in function that returns a lazy sequence of values generated by calling a function repeatedly. For example, (repeatedly 10 #(rand-int 10)) generates a sequence of 10 random integers between 0 and 9.
  3. range: range is a built-in function that returns a lazy sequence of numbers in a specified range. For example, (range 1 10) generates a sequence of integers from 1 to 9.
  4. mapcat: mapcat is a higher-order function that applies a function to each element of a sequence and concatenates the results into a single sequence. For example, (mapcat #(range 1 %) [2 3 4]) generates a sequence of integers from 1 to 2, then from 1 to 3, and finally from 1 to 4.
  5. concat: concat is a function that concatenates two or more sequences into a single sequence. For example, (concat [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) generates a sequence of integers from 1 to 6.

Each of these alternatives has its own use cases and trade-offs. For example, iterate and repeatedly are good for generating sequences of values based on a function, while range is good for generating sequences of consecutive numbers. mapcat and concat are good for combining multiple sequences into a single sequence. However, none of these alternatives can match the flexibility and power of lazy-seq for generating complex and potentially infinite sequences of values.

Also read about Stuart Sierra's advice Clojure Dont's: Concat


Lazy evaluation is a technique used in functional programming languages to delay the evaluation of expressions until their values are actually needed. In Clojure, lazy evaluation can be implemented using lazy sequences.

You can use the lazy-seq macro to create a lazy sequence in Clojure. It takes a body of code that generates the next element of the sequence and returns a new lazy sequence that evaluates the body of code only when necessary.

Lazy evaluation is useful for

  • Efficient processing of potentially infinite sequences of values
  • Dealing with large data sets
  • Performing complex computations on streams of data.

Two important features of lazy sequences in Clojure are

  • Delayed computation until in is actually needed
  • Caching of computed values

Important note about lazy-seq, it does 32 at a time not just one as an optimisation.